
that time of year

do you have any idea how badly it hurts to hear the words "massive head and leg injuries" as the result of someone's death? a motorcyclist was killed in the early morning hours (by a drunk fucking driver, no less) today, he died from those injuries. that alone should have been enough to throw me into a tailspin, but it didn't.

i suppose that statement should make this my obligatory "I can't believe it's been 'x' number of years (7) since you died" post.


i miss him, i really do, but at some point things have to get easier. it's been baby steps over the last seven years, but i've made some amazing progress.

of course there's always the random thought that will reduce me to a mess of unapologetic tears. The kind where your whole body shakes, tears drip off of your nose and onto your lip, your nose sinuses congest and your eyes turn bright red. the kind of crying that is at once profoundly sad and extremely cathartic.

tonight it was this: he would have loved Austin.